Why Pickles, and also, Why Blog at All?
I can hear you asking. I can hear the incredulity whirring behind your crinkled eyebrows. Why, exactly, would someone restart a blog? A blog? A web-log? You say. Seems a […] Continue Reading →
Learn to Get Burned: Overcoming Your Fear of Rejection
If you are serious about this writing thing, you are going to have to show your writing to people. Stop being precious about it. Stop being scared of rejection. Every […] Continue Reading →
Why The Book is Better Than The Movie
Inevitably, every time a new film adaptation comes out, people get up in arms about how it’s not like the original book. The characters are vapid, the world is two-dimensional, […] Continue Reading →
Goaltending: The Path to A Happy Writer Life
If you want to get the most out of your writing life you need to know where you’re going and how to get there. Otherwise you will continue wandering in […] Continue Reading →
How Do You Know If You’re a Writer?
Ah, the question that has plagued humankind since cuneiform was first smudged into clay. It manifests itself into all forms of existential hysteria. Am I really a writer? Does this […] Continue Reading →