Why Pickles, and also, Why Blog at All?
I can hear you asking. I can hear the incredulity whirring behind your crinkled eyebrows. Why, exactly, would someone restart a blog? A blog? A web-log? You say. Seems a […] Continue Reading →
A Quick Guide to Online Writing Gigs
There are good ways to search for online writing work, and there are frustrating ways to search for online writing work. You can quickly find yourself spinning your tires trying […] Continue Reading →
Freelance Writing: Improving Your Chances of Getting Published
By far, the most difficult part of the freelance writing life is finding and winning assignments with editors. Depending on your level of experience, and the size of your rolodex, […] Continue Reading →
How to Make Money Through Freelance Writing: Finding Your Niche
I hope this article gives you a few tools for your writerly tool chest, despite its somewhat uninspiring title. If you are knowledgeable and passionate about a topic, people will […] Continue Reading →
How getting your child to sleep on a plane is not unlike passing through the stages of grief
It starts out pleasant enough. We wake up at 2 freaking 30 in the morning to catch our black eye flight to the other side of the continent where my […] Continue Reading →