Why Pickles, and also, Why Blog at All?
I can hear you asking. I can hear the incredulity whirring behind your crinkled eyebrows. Why, exactly, would someone restart a blog? A blog? A web-log? You say. Seems a […] Continue Reading →
The Return
Well. Well. Well. Look who’s decided to post again. It has been several… years? Eight, in fact? Good lord. This site has been gathering internet dust since 2017?!? *taps pressure […] Continue Reading →
Book Rec: Harbors by Donald Quist
This is the first installment in a series of posts where I recommend books that are fantastically written. Coming the day after yet another officer was acquitted in yet another […] Continue Reading →
Reading for Unheard LA on KPCC
A couple months ago I wrote an essay for an “Unheard LA” event put on by KPCC, my local NPR affiliate. They broadcast my reading on “Take Two” a week […] Continue Reading →