Why Pickles, and also, Why Blog at All?
I can hear you asking. I can hear the incredulity whirring behind your crinkled eyebrows. Why, exactly, would someone restart a blog? A blog? A web-log? You say. Seems a […] Continue Reading →
Book Rec: Harbors by Donald Quist
This is the first installment in a series of posts where I recommend books that are fantastically written. Coming the day after yet another officer was acquitted in yet another […] Continue Reading →
Reading for Unheard LA on KPCC
A couple months ago I wrote an essay for an “Unheard LA” event put on by KPCC, my local NPR affiliate. They broadcast my reading on “Take Two” a week […] Continue Reading →
The Clipper Ship Era: An Epitome of Famous American and British Clipper Ships, Their Owners, Builders, Commanders, and Crews, 1843-1869
Hey folks, this is another review in my series on the Tea Clipper Races. This one gets a bit into the weeds (both the review and the book itself), but […] Continue Reading →
Films For Creative Types
Artists often work alone. While isolation naturally draws introverted personalities into the richness of their inner life, it can also leave creatives feeling confused about their progress and place in […] Continue Reading →